Competitions for Student's Day are fun and funny. Scenario of the event for the student's day

Characters: R, a s c k, a s ch i k, S t u d e n t, C y g, a n k a, S t, a r s h e k u r s n i k, P r e p o d, a v, a tel, Feya, extras - 5-7 students.

The narrator. Once upon a time there was a simple Student by name and surname ... However, no one remembered them, because everyone called him simply Dunce ...

The Student comes out to the musical theme "Market" from the movie "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures", waving his hands in greeting.

And he had 2 exams and 3 tests ahead of him. And also an empty pocket and the same stomach. And he was afraid of the light of only one, because they told him in the first year ...

The Gypsy comes out to the tune of the song “Dear Long”, guesses by the hand.

Gypsy. Oh, you are my yacht! I see, I see: if you miss at least one couple of lectures, inevitable misfortune awaits you - expulsion from a fairy tale to a heroic team, called a construction battalion ... (Turns his back, showing the inscription "Curator". He leaves.)
The narrator. But the senior sages revealed to him a great secret...

The senior student comes out, puts his hand on the student's shoulder.

Senior student. Shout the cherished word on the night before the exam, and great prosperity will come to you - five!
The narrator. And, waiting for midnight with friends, the Student shouted ...

Students run out and in chorus, together with the main character, shout “Freebie!” to the loss of the song Dj Bobo "Chihuahua".

But they heard in response from the dean's office ...

Under the same melody, the cry “Here you are!” is heard, accompanied by a display of a drawing blowing from behind a screen.

Nothing to do, he had to go to the exam. And there he meets a magical and formidable creature - the omniscient teacher! The student quietly sat down at the last desk, pulling and pulling the cheat sheet, but he couldn’t pull it out ...

Under a twist from the movie "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures", the Student pulls out cheat sheets from all pockets. The teacher turns around, trying to catch the Student, but every time he manages to hide everything at the last moment.

And he asked a classmate for a simple hint ...

The student crawls on his knees into the auditorium.

And she speaks to him in the voice of the Teacher ...
Teacher. I had to get ready!
The narrator. More than ever, the formidable Teacher scolded him, threatening him with a transfer to the commercial department. "Yes! thought the Student. “There was a simple study, but it will become golden! ..” And then he called on his mobile program to help ...

Cell phone dialing sound. Fairy appears.

Student. What kind of Cinderella am I? Quickly conjure me a fiver! ..
Fairy. Hello dear Cinderella! Why are you so sad?
Student. Are you deaf?! Conjure faster!
Fairy. Hello dear Cinderella! Why are you so sad?
Student. Listen, are you stupid?
Fairy. It's just me, buddy, the demo! If you want to use all the features of the program in full, send an SMS with a code word to a short number ...
Student. And I'll format your entire desktop! ..
Fairy. Goodbye, dear Cinderella!

The fairy runs away, defending herself with a magic wand.

The narrator. And then the Student prayed, looking at the Teacher...
Student. We have an unequal duel: you have both seven spans in your forehead and five years higher education, but I only have a piece of paper and a pen that does not write! ..
The narrator. And then the formidable Teacher took pity, allowed me to use the self-written notes.
Teacher. Abstracts in the studio!

To the music of "Black Box" from the program "What? Where? When?" submit abstracts.

The narrator. And the Student got the desired grade!
Student (joyfully). Pyaterochka?
Teacher. Not!
Student. Four?
Teacher. Not!
Student. C grade?
Teacher. Not!
Student (sad). With a minus?
Teacher. Yes!
Student (He lowers his head sadly, but immediately raises it, smiling slyly.) And three is enough for me! (Queen's melody "We Are The Champions.)
The narrator. And he began to live and live and chew gum and smoke bamboo until the next session ...

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Student (me): Hello kids, girls and boys, mischievous people and rascals! Let's go with you...
  • There are excerpts from songs. About what event or phenomenon in the life of a student in ...
  • Characters: Narrator Kolobok Bear Fairy Cinderella Hare Baba Yaga Fox Grandfather Baba ...

Students are known to be funny people. They have great amount holidays, but among them there is one that is recognized by everyone - Tatyana's day. This day is usually celebrated by students on a grand scale. We have no doubt that it will always and for a long time remain in the memory of those who vigorously celebrated it.

For this holiday, we offer you just all kinds of student jokes, toasts and humorous games.

So let's start with a few toasts.

A student of the Academy of Economics lies drunk in the corridor, a teacher passes by and asks:
“Student,” the guy answers in a drunken voice.
-What is the course?
- Twenty-eight rubles thirty kopecks ...
So let's drink to the fact that each course of our studies lasts no more than one year!

Two teachers near the dean's office are having a conversation:
-Now, if I put at least one “four” on the exam, then the whole group will carry me in their arms!
- And if I put at least one “three” on the exam, then the whole group will carry me in their arms!
The dean comes out the door and says:
- And if I fire you both now, then the whole faculty will carry me in their arms.
So let's drink to those times when the entire faculty will carry the dean in their arms!

The Association of University Teachers nevertheless achieved an increase in its wages twice - from this day on, students will take the session four times a year. So let's drink to pass the session on our own!

If a student does not want to study, it means that the military registration and enlistment office is not working well!
Let's drink to the fact that no improvements are planned in his work in the coming years!

We decided to test for intellectual development students, approached the students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th courses in turn and asked: “What is twice two?”
1st course (fast): "4!"
2nd course (quickly looking into the spur): "4!"
3rd course (pulling out a calculator, quickly): "4!"
4th year (in a hurry, leafing through the reference book): "4!"
5th year (with indignation!): "What do I have to remember all the constants?"
So let's drink to the fact that we always have a reference book with us or, at worst, a calculator.

There is an exam. A rather drunk student bursts into the audience:
“Professor, please take an exam from a nearly sober student.
- All right, take a ticket.
- No, not me. Guys, bring Vasya.
So let's drink to the fact that our assessments do not depend on the degree of intoxication.

A cool student takes an exam, invests $ 500 in the exam paper and writes: “A hundred bucks for a score!”. After the exam, he opens the notebook and sees $ 300 and the inscription: "Surrender!".
So let's drink to the honest passing of exams with the help of cheat sheets!

In order to distinguish a visiting student from a native, it is not necessary to communicate with him or peer into his face, you just need to look at his behavior.

Mystery game. Restore text. Moreover, each proposal is a sign or sign indicating the prohibition of actions, or vice versa.
1.N_T B_ _O_ _!
2.O_ _O_O_ _O, Z_ _ I C_ _ _K_!
3. P_ T_ _B_ N_ X _ _ _ _b!
4.N _ K_R_ _ _!
5.O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
6.R _ _O_ _ _ T L _ _I!
7.O _ _ _ST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ _H_ _!
8.Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _D!
9.V _ _ _ P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N!
10.O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A A _ _ _ _ _ _ A!

1. There is no way out!
2. Beware, angry dog!
3. Do not walk on the grass!
4. Do not smoke!
6. People are working!
7.One way traffic!
8.Spare exit!
9.Entrance to outsiders is prohibited!
10. Bus stop!

For the next game, you will need two chairs. Attach a “Correct” sign to one of them, and “False” to the other. All players are divided into two teams. The moderator asks a question. If the team believes that the statement is correct, then one of its members should take the chair with the “Correct” sign, and if you think that this statement is wrong, then you need to take the chair with the “False” sign.

We offer you the following statements:
1. Etymology - the science of insects - is false (about the origin of words).
2. In November, 30 days is correct.
3. Nihil - in Latin means "nothing" - right.
4. Rio de Janeiro is in Argentina - falsely - in Brazil.
5. Autism is a kidney disease - a false - mental illness.
6. A rhombus is an equilateral parallelogram - right.
7. In the word "protocol". 9 letters - false - 8.
8. The goalkeeper is the right defender in hockey - falsely - the goalkeeper.
9. Holland is the same as the Netherlands - right.
10. Purim is a Muslim holiday - false, Jewish.
11. The Euphrates flows through Iraq and flows into the Persian Gulf - right.
12. Van Gogh died in 1890 - correct.
13. Lieutenant is a rank between captain and sergeant - correct.

As you know, there is no limit to the ingenuity of students in writing cheat sheets. Therefore, you can play the game "Cribs". Choose two participants and give them a roll toilet paper. Their main task is to tear the paper into small pieces as quickly as possible and hide it in such a way that the paper is not visible. You can hide cheat sheets in socks, in pants, in shorts - anywhere. The first person to complete this task wins.

Add to this party a large number of different games that you can take from other chapters, and then you can celebrate the student's day even more fun than usual. Good luck!

State vocational educational institution

event script,

dedicated to the celebration of Student's Day

"Student Kaleidoscope"

Developers: educators

Akulinina E.A.

Eroh L.G.

Savina I.G.

Kokovkina M.V.


1 host:

Dear friends, students! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday, dedicated to the day student or, as the people say, Tatyana's day. Student's day is the most the best holiday for students, excluding passing tests and exams. This holiday is celebrated by former students, future students and naturally real students. And first, let's remember or just find out the history of our holiday with you. And so, who will be able to tell the story of the emergence of students' day?

(student answers)

2 host:

It so happened that it was on Tatyana's Day, which is celebrated on January 25 according to the new style, in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree "On the Establishment of Moscow University", and Tatyana's Day became an official student day, in those days it was called the Foundation Day of Moscow University. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students. On this day, it is customary to light candles for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment.

By Decree of the President of Russia No. 76 of January 25, 2005 "On the Day of Russian Students", the holiday of Russian students was officially approved.

3 leading:

Can you tell me who is a student?

Yesterday's student

Diligently he writes notes

And he's busy with scholarships,

And after - not averse to a spree.

Always ready to help friends.

Competition: "Student is ..."

What do you think a modern student should look like?

(two teams in turn are given the opportunity to express their opinion).

You speak well, and now let's check how everything that was said can be transferred to a piece of paper. So, your task is to depict everything that you said about the modern student on sheet A-4.

Well done guys, they did a great job.

4 leader:

Competition: "Crib"

We all know the ingenuity of students in writing cheat sheets. And only now we will check you in practice. We will ask one representative from the teams to leave (who are given one roll of toilet paper each). Your task is to tear the paper into small pieces as quickly as possible and hide it on yourself in such a way that nothing can be seen.

1 host:

Competition "We wrote, we wrote ..."

I see you know how to hide cheat sheets. Do you know how to write them? Now I will give each team one sheet of paper, but not a complete one, but only one-eighth of the sheet. And each team will write on a piece of paper an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila". And of course, the team that can write more text on their cheat sheet will win, but the main thing is that the text is legible.

2 host:

And now we are moving on to the most intellectual competition "Quiz".

Competition "Quiz"

Whoever gives the correct answer faster, that team gets one point.

Part I

1. Seven candles were burning in the room. A man passed by, put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down.)

2. Twice born, once dies. (Chicken)

3. Who can not be lifted from the floor by the tail? (ball of thread)

4. Two bellies, four ears. Who is it? (Pillow).

5. There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three babies so that one apple remains in the basket? (Give one away with the basket.)

6. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)

7. What year has only 1 day? (New Year)

8. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (At the mushroom)

9. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second is no longer on an empty stomach)

10. What dishes can not be eaten from? (From empty)

11. How does the day and night end? (soft sign)

12. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)

13. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)

14. Which watch shows the correct time only twice a day? (The ones that stand)

15. What is not in cabbage, beets, or radishes, but is in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter O)

Part II

1. “My phone rang. Who is speaking? (elephant)

2. “Once in the cold winter season, I came out of the forest. It was strong ... "(frost)

3. “Our Tanya is crying loudly - she dropped it into the river ...” (ball)

4. "I Earth I almost walked all over - and life is good, and to live ... "(good)

5. "There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and ..." (Juliet)

6. “The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is in the canopy with spring to us ...” (flies)

7 “The fly went across the field, the fly money ...” (found)

8. “A storm covers the sky with darkness, snow whirlwinds ...” (twisting)

9. "Here is my village, here is my house..." (native)

10. “A bull is walking, swinging, sighing on the go: oh, the board is ending, now I ...” (I will fall)

11. “The pike opens its mouth, but you can’t hear that ...” (sings)

12. “A fly went to the market and bought ...” (samovar)

13. “Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks ...” (Neva)

14. “They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear ...” (paw)

15. "I love a thunderstorm at the beginning..." (May)

16. “The brothers sowed wheat and took it to the city-capital. Know that the capital was not far from ... ”(gray hair)

17. “Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive packs ... "(clouds)

18. “There is a tower in the field. He's not low-?." (not high)

19. “Then she will howl like a beast, then she will cry, like. ." (child)

20. “The poet died, the slave ...” (honor)

21. “Father had three sons. The elder was smart ... "(child)

22. “Come to us, Aunt Horse, our baby ...” (shake)

23. “Heal everyone, heal kind doctor... "(Aibolit)

24. “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands. The folk will not overgrow to him ... "(path)

25. "And I was there, honey-beer ..." (drank)

26. “He knew only one thought power, one, but fiery ...” (passion)

27. “I look, a horse carrying brushwood is slowly climbing uphill ...” (cart)

28. “A sad time! Oh…” (charm)

29. “Let's drink from grief, where is the mug, the heart will be ...” (more fun)

30. “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, just like ...” (cucumber)

31. “I love my horse, I’ll comb her hair ...” (smoothly)

32. “Shine - and no nails! - this is my slogan - and ... "(sun)

33. “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry. Everything will pass, as from white apple trees ... "(smoke)

Well done! Well, what is student life without a song, without a guitar. And so, meet our guys who will perform the song “……” for you.

3 leading:

So we showed today our knowledge, our skill and ingenuity and our resourcefulness, that is, everything that our students are so famous for. And we will not calculate the total number of points and determine the winner. Because friendship won, we - the students - won. So Happy Holidays and have a good rest. But do not forget that tomorrow the technical school is waiting for you again.

We invite everyone to tea!

An excerpt from A.S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Near the seaside, the oak is green;

Golden chain on an oak tree:

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

Goes to the right - the song starts,

Left - tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles: the goblin roams there,

The mermaid sits on the branches;

There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts;

Hut there on chicken legs

Stands without windows, without doors;

There the forest and valleys of visions are full;

There, at dawn, waves will come

On the sandy and empty shore,

And thirty beautiful knights

A series of clear waters emerge,

And with them their uncle is sea;

There is a queen in passing

Captivates the formidable king;

There in the clouds before the people

Through the forests, through the seas

The sorcerer carries the hero;

In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,

And the brown wolf faithfully serves her;

There is a stupa with Baba Yaga

It goes, wanders by itself;

There, King Kashchei languishes over gold;

There is a Russian spirit ... there it smells of Russia!

And there I was, and I drank honey;

I saw a green oak by the sea;

Sitting under it, and the cat is a scientist

He told me his stories.

I remember one: this fairy tale

Let me tell the world...

Syktyvkar, 2014

Purpose of the event:the formation of a positive attitude towards military service, the development of collective communication skills, cognitive activity.

Event progress:

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, Dear friends!

From time immemorial, men not only defended their native lands from strangers, but also were the backbone of the family, obtained food, protected the life and peace of the household. And never once did you dear men, did not let us doubt your devotion and love for the Motherland.

As we remember, before the holiday on February 23 was called the Day of the Red Army, the Day Soviet army and the Navy, today is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, the main characters of the holiday are people in uniform who have taken an oath to serve the Fatherland faithfully. However, among the people, the concept of "defender" is interpreted more broadly: not only a warrior, but also one who can be called a real man. Because, apparently, the tradition appeared on February 23 to consider a men's holiday.

Host 2:

Real men, as we know, are distinguished by fortitude, the ability to withstand difficulties, the ability to make friends, come to the rescue, nobility, a chivalrous attitude towards a woman, care for loved ones.

Today, we have prepared a series of tests for you, which we are sure you will successfully overcome.

(All the young men present are divided into two teams, the first team consists of guys who served in the army, the second team of guys who were not in the army).

The results of each competition will be evaluated on a five-point scale by our esteemed jury.

Presenter 1:

The first competition "Who is faster ..."

Three representatives come from the teams. Each of the representatives of the teams is invited to sew on a button at speed, peel the potatoes and inflate the balloon. The team that completes the task first wins the competition. But do not forget about the quality of the executed orders.

Host 2:

Competition "Quiz".

Each team is asked a question if the team does not have correct option answer, the right to answer passes to the other team.

  1. Not winged, but a feather, how it flies, it whistles like that, but it sits, it is so silent (arrow);
  2. You won’t see with your eyes, you won’t take it with your hands, and without it you won’t go on the attack (Hurrah);
  3. What do a rifle and a fly have in common (front sight (rifle sight));
  4. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt, the enemy is in a ravine, a turtle - where is the enemy (tank);
  5. Everything rides on it and joy and sorrow (mail);
  6. It happens differently, but it is needed in the same way: for a baby, and a dead man, and a good fellow (shirt);
  7. A secret pantry with all the new things: there are matches, and tobacco, and a copper penny (pocket;
  8. Two araps, brothers, knee-high, walk with us everywhere and protect us (boots);
  9. Not a deck, not a stump, but lies all day. He doesn’t reap, he doesn’t mow, but he asks for dinner (loafer;)
  10. Little, round, jumps from prison to prison, the whole world jumps around, good for nothing, but everyone needs (a coin);
  11. Sits groin about m, on horseback, does not know letters, but helps to read (glasses);
  12. Why do soldiers wear boots? (On the ground)
  13. A soldier is given, and colleagues use it more often than he does. What's this? (Name);
  14. Headdress worn by the Red Army? (Budenovka);
  15. Why does a soldier carry a rifle? (Over the shoulder).

Presenter 1:

Contest " Military ranks". There is a proverb "that soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." Each team is given a set of shoulder straps. The task of the participants is to arrange them in ascending order. The team that completes the task without errors receives 5 points.

Host 2:

Competition - "Rise". One participant is invited from each team, who is given a box with things (belts, footcloths, boots, shirts or vests and other things). While the match is burning, the privates must get dressed. Whoever manages to pull on as many things as possible wins.

Presenter 1:

Contest: " Fisticuffs". Participants from the team are invited, who are given a pillow each. Standing on the bench, they must knock the opponent off it, but at the same time resist themselves.

Well done, you have successfully completed all the tasks, and while the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, we invite a student ... .. who will perform an army song for you.

To defend the motherland

In rain and snow

Every day comes out

Valiant soldier.

The border is locked

And order in the sea

Freely fast birds

In blue space.

Apple trees bloom in the gardens

The fields are spinning.

Peaceful rest, peaceful work,

Be, country, happy!

Dear guys, we thank everyone for participating in the event and invite everyone to a tea party.


State autonomous educational institution

Secondary vocational education

Republic of Komi

"Syktyvkar Automotive College"

"Let's talk"

Syktyvkar, 2013

Scenario entertainment program

"Let's talk"

Program participants: students of "SAT", teacher of the educational building No. 2 Khudyaeva Valeria Valerievna

Script Developer- teacher Savina Inga Georgievna

Host of the evening - teacher Savina I.G.

Responsible for the musical accompaniment of the evening- learner...

Location- Hostel "SAT" No. 1 on Morozova St., 138

The entertainment program "Let's communicate" is aimed at establishing contact between students of two academic buildings, developing interaction skills based on self-acceptance, self-disclosure and acceptance of others.

Event objectives:

  1. Creating an atmosphere of looseness and freedom of communication between participants;
  2. Creating a climate of friendly security;
  3. Creation of prerequisites for the painless entry of students into a team or group of peers;
  4. Providing opportunities to model and try out new behaviors.

Leading: Good evening dear ladies, we are glad to see you in our hostel!

Not so long ago, we celebrated with you the men's holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day", and already on Kanu, the most beloved holiday of women all over the world, which is called "International Women's Day". On behalf of all the men present here, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful spring holiday and wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles, attention from your relatives and friends on this day.

And now I want to give the floor directly to you, the participants of our meeting. Since today you are meeting for the first time, first of all we need to get to know you.

  • And so, the first task "Let me introduce myself"

Each participant needs to give their name and also tell a little about themselves.

Leading: Well done, I'm glad you did this. We all know that it is very important to produce about ourselves good impression in the first minutes of acquaintance, this is what will further affect long-term and fruitful communication.

Dear friends, despite the fact that you are all beautiful and well dressed today, I suggest you change your image a little, and for this you will need to complete the following task.

  • The second task "Thing out of the box"

While the music is playing, the participants pass the box around the circle. As soon as the music is stopped, the one who had the box, without looking, takes out the first item that comes across and puts it on. Once the music resumes, the contestants pass the box again to the next stop. And one more condition of this task, the guys remain in this outfit until the end of the event (The box contains the most miscellaneous items clothes - from children's caps to huge, specially tailored shorts and bras).

Leading: My dears, you are simply adorable.

  • Third task: "My ideal"

Participants are divided into two teams: girls and boys. For each team, clippings from magazines, felt-tip pens, pencils, sheets of A4 paper are prepared. The team of girls needs, using these accessories, to create the ideal of a man, and also, when it is further presented to the audience, to voice what qualities the ideal created by them will have. A similar task must be performed by young men, only they will have to create the ideal of a woman.

Leading: Well, what can I say, well done, how easily you cope with all the tasks.

The next competition will be somewhat unusual. Sooner or later, all of you will create your own families, you will have children who require a lot of attention and care. For the next task, I will ask a young man and a girl to come out.

  • Fourth task: "Hostess"

On 2 chairs, one doll is placed, which lie in their beds. 2 participants must wake up their children, wash them, comb their hair, brush their teeth, do exercises with them, feed them, take a walk, feed them again, and put them to bed. The winner is the one who completes all the tasks faster.

Leading: I think you make great parents, as the saying goes: "The main thing is training."

Probably, many of you remember the words from the song ... "I recognize my dear one by his walk." The essence of the next task will be somewhat complicated, and you will need to recognize the dear ladies by their eyes. And so I will ask three girls and three boys to come out.

  • Fifth task "Intuition"

The girls are invited to carefully look into the eyes of the boys - their partners in the game. After that, the girls go to another room, and the boys put on gas masks and sit on chairs. They are covered from head to toe with a blanket so that only gas masks can be seen. Women are invited, their task is to find the one in whose eyes they looked just recently.

Leading: And so, we checked our ladies to what extent their intuition is developed, and now let's see how creative our young men can be. Surely they have something to surprise us with. I will ask three boys and three girls to go out to complete the next task.

  • Task 6: Get your hair done

For the competition, you need to prepare elastic bands, bows, ribbons, etc., which is necessary to create a hairstyle. The girls play the role of customers, sitting on pre-prepared chairs, and the boys play the role of hairdressers. The task of hairdressers (boys) is to create a beautiful and bright hairstyle on the head of their client in 10 minutes.

Leading: Are you not hot dear participants? You probably still have some extra clothes on. I ask permission to announce the final competition "Cabbage".

  • Seventh competition "Cabbage"

All participants are divided into two teams (regardless of gender). 1 player is selected from each team, and the team must put on him the maximum number of clothes that the team members have in 1 minute.

Leading: Dear guys, on this pleasant note, I want to thank you for your active participation in the competitions and invite everyone to the festive table.

During the tea drinking, the participants of the meeting are given written thanks and memorable souvenirs.

(Backstage - a guy with a girl)
Girl -………….. look – everything is fine with my suit?!?! Didn't the hair get messed up?!?! Are the shoes clean and the arrows evenly painted?
Guy - Yes, everything is fine, but I have - look, ………………!?!
Girl: Yes, that's fine too. Come on, …………, let’s stretch our lips, repeat tongue twisters: “There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass…………”
Boy: Why are you up? Go already!
Girl: Why am I first?
Guy: Girls have to give in - so, come on, go!
Girl: You're always like this.... (go on stage)
Host: Hello friends!
Moderator: Hello to all students! To all brothers in misfortune….
Presenter: Well, happiness or misfortune - here you can argue.
Leading: Probably everyone who has ever studied in higher educational institution, well remember the song that became the second hymn to the students: but not to the students that are usually portrayed as poring over textbooks in the stuffy vaults of libraries, but to the students who are cheerful, drunken, forever in love and impudent! This is how the anthem would sound today:
Student anthem
Here I stand aside
Remembering everything clearly
And flashes like in a dream
In front of me is a note
Here I stand, I hold it,
Will decide in a moment
Or join the army
Or study again!
Is it so bad! Well, I flunked the session, went to the army for a year, and into battle with renewed vigor!
Host: Therefore, the anthem would sound like this:
I serve my country
Dropped out of the university.
How hard is it for me
Think I'm a loser!
Presenter: It still turns out that it’s better not to overwhelm the session - it’s more expensive for yourself! Probably, there are some rules, following which, you will definitely pass the session successfully?
Moderator: Of course there are:
1. do not sleep during lectures,
2. do not wrap sausage in abstracts,
3. do not get sick with the flu,
4. know the teachers in person and by name and patronymic - and correctly,
5. know in which subject the exam is,
6. know the subject of the exam itself,
7. be able to quickly respond to your last name,
8. be able to find an audience without a navigator…
Well, and much more!
Host: You probably know that many not very responsible students write notes on several subjects in one notebook. So try to determine which items are encrypted in the combined title of the abstract!
1. Politosophy ... (political science and philosophy)
2. Istotura ... (history and literature)
3. Mathematics ... (mathematics and natural science)
4. Logistics ... (logic and aesthetics)
5. Psychology ... (psychology and drawing)

Presenter: Yes, passing the session largely depends on luck - remember, there is such a sign that on the eve of the exams you need to open the window, stick an open record book in it and shout: Freebie, come !!!
Host: And let's remember all the signs that ensure the successful passing of exams! Everyone will try to remember other signs, and the last one to name his version will receive a prize!
Presenter: It’s good that among the options you mentioned there were no such: big bill and a nightly rendezvous with the teacher! So the students here are honest, and the students are decent.
Presenter: Well, now imagine that all the exams are over and here they are - holidays! Since freedom is very dizzy and deprives the mind, before the holidays you need to draw up an action plan:
to visit my parents in the village,
bring meat and potatoes,
meet school friends...
catch the train, and well, these potatoes!
Indeed, a student does not live by potatoes alone, especially since the spirit of mutual assistance and mutual assistance reigns in the hostel! And this means that
1. your misfortune is our misfortune, and what follows from here?
2. your dumplings are our dumplings!
3. your clothes are our clothes!
4. your abstract is our abstract!
Presenter: And it's great, because it's a hostel because it's a hostel, because everything is in common! And that means that the chances of each student for successful study and happy life multiply a hundred times!
And the anthem of a happy student will sound completely different!
The session is coming soon
I'll sell it decently
I know in advance
Everything will be great!
Host: And this is a great occasion for fun, dancing and competitions!
Presenter: The worst thing in student life is what? Of course, the session and exams! And the first competition will be related to this. We have several exam tickets. They contain what you must do, otherwise ...
Host: Otherwise, ARMY!!! Well, or a floor cleaner in the store ...
Presenter: And so who pulls the ticket first? Well, that's what I knew - like in a real exam. Remember that even if you are not able to complete the task, you can ask for a cleaning service or the army.
Host: By the way, it's not fair!
Host: What's not fair?
Host: You did not even give them the opportunity to look into the spurs!
Presenter: Oh, so there were no cheat sheets?! Now you will have spurs! I need three pairs of applicants.
So so! Three will be students and three will be commission. Here are ten cribs for each student. Now we will blindfold the commission, and while they do not see - the students will hide cheat sheets on themselves - for one thing and see who does it better. After that, the commission removes the bandages, selects a student for itself and looks for cribs from him. Which of the teachers quickly found all ten pieces, he won. But with students it’s different - whoever hid their precious spurs more reliably won. It's clear?
Host: Do you know that at the beginning of the 20th century, students were already the biggest bullies in the world. For any reason (and often without) they started a duel. “Scars adorn a man” - is this where the famous saying came from? Every self-respecting student had to have at least one such “decoration”, and those who did not receive it in a duel could turn to the services of a cosmetic surgeon.
Presenter: Today there is a much easier way to test yourself for courage and endurance. (The host chooses 5 people and gives each an egg, saying that one of them is raw. Now each participant must break an egg on his head. The one who got a raw egg and will be the winner. Since all eggs are boiled, at the moment when four people have already broken their "requisites", it will become obvious to everyone that the last participant has a raw egg (although in fact he also has a boiled egg). Thus, after some hesitation and persuasion of the public, it is necessary to bring a person to condition, so that he, without fear of anything, boldly breaks an egg on his head and finds out that it is boiled). For patience, endurance and courage you are entitled to a prize!
Leading: We all know that students' lessons are called "COUPLES", so for the next competition I need 3 pairs of students (boy-girl).
The competition is called "catch the ball". The girls are given a balloon, they inflate it, then they release the balloon on command, it flies in an unpredictable direction, and the guy’s task is to catch his balloon faster than the others and return it to his companion. Who did it first, he won. Are the rules clear? Then we started!
Presenter: And why is this holiday in winter? Couldn't you have chosen a warmer time?
Host: I don’t know why, but it seems to me that it is very convenient, look: it’s winter, it’s cold, how to warm up? Dance!
Host: Dance? This I love! Lets do it dance competition let's do it!
Leading: At the same time, we will dance ourselves! We need a couple willing to dance. Now the music will start and you will dance, then the music will end, you will go and choose a pair for yourself from those who are still sitting, and there will already be two pairs, then these two pairs will part to form 4 pairs and so on until you dance the whole hall. (At the end of the competition, the first couple for courage receives prizes)
Presenter: Today is Students' Day! It was on this day in the 18th century that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University.
Host: And that's right. But you haven't said the most important thing yet. Today is Tatyana's Day! The holiday of all lovely girls, girls and women, whose name is Tatyana.
Presenter: I ask all Tatyans in this hall to rise! Let's welcome our charming heroes of the occasion. (Tatyanas are given symbolic gifts.)
Host: I wonder if the student's name is Tanya, does she have a double holiday?
Host: It looks like this.
Leading: Then with a double holiday to you, dear Tatyana!
Presenter: Well, it seems that everyone was congratulated by both students and Tatyana.
Leading: And Tatyana students! Our mission is completed, you can hang out, because we ourselves are still students!
Presenter: Well, what to dance?! I love discos!
Host: Everyone dance!

The anthem of all students "Gaudeamus" sounds.


(Students 104 and 1P gr. read.)


Having traveled all the seas and continents,
Let the ethnographer put it in the book
Cheerful and special people!

It is very difficult to understand and study them.
Well, for example, you say when
All that is impossible for other people

How long can a person stay awake?
Well, a day, well, two ... and it's over! Breaks down!
A student can take a session,
Don't sleep for a week, don't quit chess
Yes, plus still manages to fall in love.

How much sleep is a person capable of?
Well, let him sleep for a day on his side,
Then, looking from under swollen eyelids,
He will sigh and say: - I can't do it anymore!

But the student, if there is no test,
Saturday put on the bed
And he'll sleep until next Saturday
And getting up, he will also reproach someone:
- What the hell! They didn't let me sleep!

How much can a person not eat?
Well, a day, well, two ... and the body weakened ...
And now he can neither stand nor sit down,
And he won't remember what six six is,
But a student is a completely different matter.

If it happened "aground" to stay,
The student does not bow his head.
He will bravely eat air
Plus tap water!

What was a tailed man in the past -
scientific fact but not at all believable.
But, leaving the tail on the trees for a long time,
He lives on earth for century after century.

And, proudly shaving the skin on the cheeks,
He doesn't repeat his ancestor in anything.
But a student, he happens to have a tail,
And even eat with two and three tails!

What does solid, male friendship mean?
We can easily answer this:
Students have friendship and such,
And there is another sometimes.

All the guys are perfectly divided,
And a friend will never let a friend down.
While one meets his beloved,
Another goes to take his test...

Dreaming of the nebulae of galaxies
And looking at the sea through the sights of prisms,
The student is always a desperate romantic!
Although it can pass on a deuce romanticism.

Yes, he lives cocky and difficult,
Almost never discouraged.
And what is impossible for other people
Student - do not care and nonsense!

And, arguing about poetry, about beauty,
He lives by his special destiny.
Here in grief only suffers, like everyone else,
Or maybe even a little sharper...

So let, bypassing all the continents,
The cracker ethnographer will bring his work.
What is such a nation - students,
Lively and wonderful people!

Eduard Asadov

Islam: Hello, dear teachers, guests, students!

Rita:Good evening, dear friends!

Islam: Tatyana's day and student's day

How ironically

entwined with an invisible ribbon

On a single holiday these days.

Rita: So let the student fraternity

Take Tatiana as an example

And will become equal to her

As a source of good deeds.
Islam: But let's not talk about tomorrow because today...

Together. It is a holiday today!

Rita: And it is necessary to live it in such a way that it would not be sad from the memories of an aimlessly lost day.
Islam: It is probably difficult to find a student in Russia who does not know about the existence of Student's Day and does not celebrate this holiday on January 25 ... It so happened that it was on Tatyana's Day, which is celebrated on January 25 in the new style, in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree "On establishment of Moscow University”, and Tatyana’s Day became an official university day, and in those days it was called the Foundation Day of Moscow University.

3 Rita:The word for greeting the student society with a professional holiday is given to the director of our college Jatdoev Aslan Abdulovich!

- Thank you, Aslan Abdulovich!

4 Rita : Since then, St. Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students. By the way, the very ancient name "Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer" ...

By the will of fate, we have our own Tatyana in college, whom we want to traditionally congratulate with a song!

Song "Behind You"

Islam: In our student holiday, we want to announce that, we have students in the college who not only sing, but also dance!

Rita: And the main rule of all students: “Remember, the student is always right! Especially once a year - on Student's Day!

dance number

7. Islam: We all know that students are not only cheerful, but also quick-witted people!

Rita: And for the next issue, we need a jury. We would like to present to your attention today's jury:

Director of the Mechanics and Technology College Jatdoev Aslan Abdulovich - chairman of the jury,

Deputy Director Botasheva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Head of the educational department Botasheva Zukhra Islamovna.

We are now announcingcontest!We choose the smartest and most reasonable, the most resourceful and quick-witted student of our college. We invite 5 groups to the stage, this103, 104, 1B, 1MK, 2MKgroups of one member! Each correct answer has one point, who naturally has more points - he is the winner!

Islam:Today we have to say “YES and NO”, and the jury is strictly, naturally, strictly judged!

Rita:So, are the students ready? And the jury? Getting started:


1. Do you believe that the deepest of the oceans is the Pacific? (Yes).

2. What chocolate tree grows in India? (No in South America)

3. That there is an animal called an armadillo? (Yes, in South America)

4. .What paintings "Heroes", "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf" painted by the artist Serov? (No, Vasnetsov)
What is the dollar - the monetary unit of Liberia, Ethiopia, Singapore? (Yes)

6. That a hedgehog fish has tasty and nutritious meat? (Not).

7. What is the city of Cognac? (Yes, in France).

Rita:Since today is Student's Day, and students are cheerful and singing people, we continue the musical part of our evening!

Islam:Musical greetings were prepared for us by students from groups 104 and 103.

The song "Draw me rain"!

Rita: Ah, students! For many years, a special cohort called "students" formed their own postulates about what a "correct" student should be.

Islam: So, the signs of the "correct" student: 1. The correct student does not miss the laboratory, so as not to get confused in the tails.
2. He loves his lectures - they test him.
3. He attends all seminars, thus, both his face and his name are remembered.
4. He remembers the names of his teachers, as he will give himself back to him in this a hundredfold.
So, here! Is it difficult or easy to write a dictationthe "right" student ?! We'll see!

Scene "At the lesson"

Rita:Only here you can see the combination of the incompatible!

Duet Vladislav Bovtik and Golaeva Amin!

Song "Let Go"

Islam: Our college is the most interesting! The director is the best! Dear teachers are the most wonderful! Naturally, students - yes, just big smarties and smart girls! They don’t care about all sorts of riddles, they always have clues ready for them!

Rita: We continue the competition! Jury, please continue your painstaking work! We invite one person from the following groups to the stage:2B, 204, 201,1A,1P

The task is!Finish the phrase . A witty answer is appreciated above.


1. Give the student a foothold and he ... (fall asleep)

2. Only a student may not know the schedule, but know for sure(when there is no work).

3. Only the student begins to prepare for the exam after ...( pull out the ticket).

4. Only the student takes out his phone as soon as ... (the lecture begins).

5. Students are the only part of society that…(can survive without money).

They swallow it, stubbornly refusing to speak; he is well hung

in a person who speaks easily and smartly; he is pulled or pulled, forcing him to speak out; he is kept behind the teeth when they do not want to say too much. (Language)

6. It is boiled up, starting some unpleasant, troublesome business, and then disentangled, unraveling this business; you cannot weld it with someone with whom it is difficult to come to an agreement; torn shoes ask her; it is in the head of the confusion. (Porridge)

7. It is pounded in a mortar and carried in a sieve by those who are engaged in useless business; it is typed into the mouth when they are silent, it cannot be poured into inseparable friends; dishonest people hide the ends in it, sometimes they come out of it dry. (Water).

Islam: We already had dances today! And this is not surprising, because our evening is a student evening! It does not matter that there are no boys in this group of hairdressers! But there are dance girls!

dance number 1 P.

Rita:I believe in love games, in the depth of human feelings... You can't say a better song!

The song "I believe" 104 and 103 gr.

Islam: Let's watch a funny scene!

"Our College Students Before Graduation"

Rita:At the end of our musical evening, we want to wish our students to always remain cheerful, cheerful, happy, interesting people!The days and years that we spend within these walls will be remembered for the rest of our lives as the most best time in life. It is during these three or four years that we are constantly in search of truth, creativity, striving for excellence.

Islam:And, of course, we wish you to remain "eternal" students, in the good sense of the word, that is - full of energy and strength! Good luck to you!

Thank you for attention!

Song "Son of the Caucasus". (Together)

Additional questions for the competition.

1. They hang him, becoming discouraged; he is bullied, conceited; he is shoved everywhere, interfering in other than his own business. (Nose)

2. Not flowers, but wither; not clap, but they clap if they don’t understand something; not underwear, but they are hung up by overly gullible and curious.(Ears)

3. He is in the head of a frivolous, frivolous person; he is advised to search in the field when someone has disappeared without a trace; words and money are thrown at him by those who do not appreciate them. (Wind)

4. Students are the only part of society that ... (can survive without money).

5. There is a hole in the sky, a hole in the ground, and in the middle there is fire and water. (Samovar)

6. The voice is thin, the nose is long; whoever kills him will shed his own blood. (Mosquito)

7. The earth is white, the seeds are black; five plow, two watch, one manages. (Paper, pen, fingers, eyes, head)

8. He does not see himself, but indicates to another: he is mute and deaf, but he keeps count.(Road sign)